Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Continued Studies; 03/01/2006



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


To further address this interesting development within that third degree of civilization, I feel that I should compare the two types of failures as well as the positive attributes of both, more in depth. Such is an entire work in itself when a person considers the subtleties within especially the movement of that mechanism we have named representative democracy - in all of its manifestations and forms, even beyond the popular moniker.

In as much as an efficient application of such an ideology seems to require that it not be forced to appear as have other manifestations of it (as per rigid emulation), so it would stand to reason that developed defects should be considered more individually as well. Even though it is, or more appears, that such failings stem from the same mis-step(s).

Something further to consider is the ill result of excess in prosperity. More the failed action of directing and utilizing that prosperity. Such is more than is topically discerned - which is to say that the "fruit" isn't necessarily just rotting on the vine so to speak. It isn't simply from the topical understanding of over abundance. It is as much the failed application of those "freedoms" and productivity (as I have addressed in other words). ~

To further address how I perceive that "shift" in power base and its effect, I have only to draw on simple observation to make an arguable point.

I find myself a bit puzzled though, when I consider how it is that what seems to me the natural direction of development within and of that mechanism beyond such transformations - ceased to progress.

I cannot readily believe that such problematic areas were not foreseen at least to some extent. I find myself immediately drawn to the example of technological advance as justifiable reasons for such seizure - but I recognize a "crutch" element to this that tends to instinctively force me to explore other avenues of reasoning for such apparent oversights. This especially when it is presentable that the technological blossom (however sudden and fast), was an extension of that area of transformed human combativeness. That is to say that for all it is worth, that technological advance is merely an extension in emulation of and within that power base shift, and further - in a hyper-linear sense, comparatively.

Again, a person could cite "too much of a good thing" as the fault even within the technological "race." Such attributes are easily argued in citing the decline of large (conventional and otherwise) conflicts of war simultaneously with the advent of technological progress. But in that again, we meet the failure to "ascend" that next plateau as a species in sustaining that "achieved" progress - falling in that area as well, into that chasm which it seems we have created with "progress" - most oft in haste - now further I realize, with failing to address further the elements and characteristics of the direction within the mechanism and result of "commerce/power."

It isn't as though such engineering is impossible. No more impossible that is, than it was to conceive and utilize those incredible ideas at the time such a concept was initially birthed and sculpted. In my native "lay terms," it seems it would be as simple as fitting it with an adapter of sorts, or even more directly, making (sculpting as it were) another "part" - extension if you will, to serve the need and purpose.

As a metaphor the thought appears to me as comparison hypothetically; The mechanism and initial concept(s) of representative democracy could be likened if you will, to a metal workers lathe. Such a mechanism as is a metal workers lathe is one of the only machines which can actually be used to make replacement parts for itself.

Such is a perspective with which to view what this problematic area is.

Why then could we not use that mechanism to "make" that extension area which is apparently needed?

We can use it to repair itself so to speak.

We can use it to make other mechanisms.

We can use it to make "parts" for other mechanisms (and for itself).

Why is it that we fail in utilizing its potential to extend its own value, worth and applicable uses beyond war and "regimes?"

It is lofty I know, and perhaps a bit selfish and irresponsible to pose such a question without immediately having a solution. But I cannot help such thoughts, especially knowing that I exist within something so incredible as our modern day and many of the positive results from efforts of brilliant minds past - whether or not I agree whole heartedly with them all. From my own perspective it is something that is far beyond the common concerns of "nationality" and origin. I truly believe those things and ideas were manifest for a larger reason. A much larger reason than some territorial, ego driven disputes about pride.

I do embrace that awareness and am grateful for it and further, in that spirit, would not yield it if it were possible that I could - however rudimentary is seen my lot within it and of it.

The mechanism itself has manifested in several ways within the United States of America, alone. As well it has manifested in as many different ways (if not even more) in other places and countries around the world - though as stated, in different ways and with different attributes and those subtleties.

I will be greatly interested when it is that I find the opportunity to look more closely at other examples of which I speak, beyond my native United States of America. Perhaps I may find inspiration within those other examples? I know that the opportunity alone, will be quite a wonderful experience.

It is that I have already seen inklings of those examples play out in my studies pertaining to the development of much of the worlds telecommunications. The progress and dynamic of those developments serve readily to illustrate other results (functionally) of that concept within the larger influence of what I have labeled Proximity Gestation, simply as a matter of course as to have been shaped from the initial source of progress - through the innate motion and that modern "mold" being the concept(s) for that "third degree of civilization."

The continent of Europe stands as a wonderful example there- pertaining to the natural result having been achieved without purposeful effort to do so. Sadly though, in the same respect - within the United States, and within that mechanism itself with conscious effort - we have managed only the examples of monopolies and despotism's in various forms, in that area, which more resemble the failings of waring, monarchical tribes. Again, reaching those results in the extremes (and various results) of and within the social direction of "commerce" united with perceived "power," within that mechanism. This having become more the standard than simply an existing movement as attribute.


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